Relationship Counselling

All relationships need support and direction. I counsel couples to see their blind spots within the relationship and counsel and teach them better relationship practices. 

Relationship Development

Do you have relationship goals? Do you have a vision for your relationship? As a coach, I help couples establish direction in their relationship.  Having a life coach increases your probability of success by 100%.


Our workshops are designed to help couples learn new ways of being in a relationship. This empowers them to make different choices, and different choices lead to new results.

Online Course

My online couple's course is designed so that you can study, learn and apply the content together, at your own pace, in your own time. This means flexibility, individuality and success.


What's on offer?

Relationship Counselling

Couples seek counselling when things are not working in the relationship. Each relationship is unique and the challenges they face vary. Counselors are objective and can help you see your blind spots. Couples still need to take responsibility to work with these blind spots and resolve the stuckness within the relationship. Counselling works well in this regard. 

All areas of life require study, understanding, skill and guidance. At school we have teachers, at church a minister, at work training, mentors, policies and procedures. Why should a relationship be an exception. Of all areas of life, relationships should have the most training, guidance and support. Counselling might be a crisis management strategy, but still imperative and effective. 

Relationship Development

Coaching is a partnership with a qualified coach, who holds you accountable to your commitment to transform, grow and achieve. Coaching is a process of discovery that leads to forward momentum, self-empowerment and insight to new possibilities.

I am passionate about relationships. I honour marriage; I endorse marriage; I save marriages. Have you ever considered that your only schooling in relationship, was with your family. Most families are rife with disfunction, secrets, past traumas and set narratives that perpetuate into your relationships. It's imperative to learn relationship skills to create a relationship filled with love, passion, adventure, and wholeness. 


Workshops create community with couples who are on the same journey to healing, development and expansion of  connection, love and intimacy. Community creates unity and offers a support system that is relatable.  

I believe couples who play together stay together. My workshops and retreats are filled with fun, excitement and entertainment - edutainment. 

the more relaxed and safer you feel, the more you share, learn and integrate. 

Online Courses

We all have different styles of learning. I had you in mind when I created this course. You may need more time to integrate the philosophy and theories. You may grasp concepts quickly and can move through content fast. No matter your style, the online courses are designed for you. No test, no exams, no marked assignments. These online course are process orientated, individual focused, and activity based.

These courses are designed so that couples learn together, share together and grow together. The togetherness is where the magic happens. 

Insights of a relationship expert

I am hoping that through my blogs, you may get an insight to what I see, so that with a new vision, you can take your relationship to a new level.

Sat Apr 2023

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Water and Oil You have seen that when ever you have added water to oil that the two have never mi...

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What our Clients Say

We've helped hundreds of people become better versions of themselves.